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Notícia OVGA 19-07-2021 (fonte: Lusa) Um fóssil de uma pegada de dinossauro com 154 milhões de anos foi descoberto recentemente na Figueira da Foz, por mero acaso, na sequência de trabalhos na encosta sul da Serra da Boa Viagem Um fóssil de uma pegada de dinossauro com 154 milhões de anos foi descoberto recentemente na Figueira da Foz, por mero acaso, na sequência de trabalhos de movimentação de terras na...
Notícia OVGA 14-07-2021 Taal Volcano remained restless as state seismologists recorded 74 volcanic earthquakes in the past 24 hours, maintaining Alert level 3 over the volcano in Batangas Province. (source: Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, July 11) In its 8 am bulletin, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology said it observed 13 low-frequency volcanic earthquakes and 61 volcanic tremors having durations of one to 25 minutes on Saturday. High levels of...
Notícia OVGA 30-06-2021 Scientists figure out how to squeeze real gold out of pyrite. Would you be tricked into thinking these shiny nuggets of pyrite were real gold? (Image credit: Namthip Muanthongthae via Getty Images) It turns out that fool's gold may not be so useless after all. New research finds that the mineral, also known as pyrite, sometimes contains miniscule amounts of actual gold.  Alas, the gold hidden inside the shiny yellow mineral...
Notícia OVGA 28-06-2021 This false-color CT scan shows the pig-snouted arms of the brittle star Ophiojura exbodi. (Image credit: Jay Black/University of Melbourne)   An eight-armed, pig-snouted brittle star found in the depths of the South Pacific has roots reaching back to the days of the dinosaurs. The brittle star, which has a body just 1.1 inch (3 centimeters) in diameter and arms approximately 3 inches (8 cm) long, represents a completely new family of...