O OVGA é um Centro de Ciência que desenvolve atividade de investigação aplicada e de divulgação científica na área da Vulcanologia, da Sismologia e da Geotermia.
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Notícia OVGA 17-08-2021
Three volcanoes erupt at the same time in Alaska, in rare phenomena
A satellite image from 2016 of Mount Pavlof's crater days before erupting. (Image credit: Photo DigitalGlobe via Getty Images via Getty Images)
Three volcanoes on Alaska's Aleutian islands are erupting simultaneously, but are currently not a threat to local communities, according to recent news reports.
This triple whammy is not common, but it's...
Notícia OVGA 13-08-2021
It's the result of about 50 eruptions over the past half year.
Lava streams down the side of Mount Etna in Sicily. (Image credit: Michele Cipriano/EyeEm via Getty Images)
Mount Etna, Europe's tallest and most active volcano, has erupted so much in the past six months, it has grown about 100 feet (30 meters) in height, satellite images reveal.
The youngest and most active of Etna's four summit craters — the...
Notícia OVGA 10-08-2021
É o maior vulcão ativo da Europa e entra várias vezes em erupção, mas raramente causa danos.
Vulcão Etna entra em erupção na Sicília, Itália. (source: Salvatore Allegra)
O vulcão Etna entrou em erupção na madrugada desta segunda-feira. As imagens mostram as explosões de lava que iluminaram o céu da cidade siciliana de Catânia....
Notícia OVGA 3-08-2021
Lower sea levels over the last 360,000 years are linked with more eruptions.
Sea level seems to influence eruptions from the partially-submerged volcano of Santorini in Greece. Lower sea levels are historically linked to more eruptions. (source: NASA EARTH OBSERVATORY)
When sea level drops far below the present-day level, the island volcano Santorini in Greece gets ready to rumble.
A comparison of the activity of the volcano, which is...