O OVGA é um Centro de Ciência que desenvolve atividade de investigação aplicada e de divulgação científica na área da Vulcanologia, da Sismologia e da Geotermia.
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Notícia OVGA 8-2-2022
The bones were found during a construction project.
This enormous mammoth molar was found during construction of a new town near Plymouth, England. (Image credit: AC Archaeology)
The bones of a woolly mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, hyena and wolf recently discovered in an English town are thought to date to the last Ice Age.
The animal remains turned up during the construction of a new town called Sherford, which is located...
Notícia OVGA 2-2-2022
Chikurachki volcano (Kuril Islands): strong gas emissions
Strong and dense gas emissions at Chikurachki volcano (image: Russian Emergency Situations Ministry/Sakhalin region)
Strong gas and steam emissions with minor ash amount occurred at the volcano yesterday, reported KVERT observatory.
According to the Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sakhalin Region and VAAC...
Notícia OVGA 28-1-2022
The eruption was so powerful that researchers need to invent a whole new classification for it.
Satellites saw the Tonga eruption column rise halfway to space on Jan. 15. (Image credit: NASA Earth Obervatory)
The volcanic eruption in the South Pacific Kingdom of Tonga peaked on Jan. 15 with more explosive force than 100 simultaneous Hiroshima bombs, NASA scientists reported on Monday (Jan 24).
Using a combination...
Notícia OVGA 18-1-2022
Uma violenta erupção vulcânica originou um tsunami que atingiu a costa da ilha do Pacífico Sul de Tonga. Poucas horas depois, mais países emitiram alertas tsunami.
O tsunami desencadeado pela erupção de um vulcão em Tonga, no Oceano Pacífico, provocou em Portugal alterações no nível do mar nos Açores, na...