O OVGA é um Centro de Ciência que desenvolve atividade de investigação aplicada e de divulgação científica na área da Vulcanologia, da Sismologia e da Geotermia.
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Chikurachki volcano, Paramushir Island, Kuriles, Russia: eruption news and activity updates
Notícia OVGA 2-2-2022
Chikurachki volcano (Kuril Islands): strong gas emissions
Strong and dense gas emissions at Chikurachki volcano (image: Russian Emergency Situations Ministry/Sakhalin region)
Strong gas and steam emissions with minor ash amount occurred at the volcano yesterday, reported KVERT observatory.
According to the Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Sakhalin Region and VAAC Tokyo, the plume rose about 10,800 ft (3,300 m) above the crater and extended about 104 km to W-SW of the volcano.
No ash fall has been reported in Severo-Kurilsk and is not expected to threaten inhabited areas.
Location of the volcano
Source: Volcano Discovery, 1st february 2022