O OVGA é um Centro de Ciência que desenvolve atividade de investigação aplicada e de divulgação científica na área da Vulcanologia, da Sismologia e da Geotermia.
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Notícia OVGA 18-10-2021
She awoke to find the space rock next to her head.
A woman in Canada narrowly missed being struck by a meteorite that crashed through her roof and landed on her pillow.
Ruth Hamilton, a resident of Golden, British Columbia, was asleep in her bed on the night of Oct. 3 when she was jolted awake by an explosive bang, as something plummeted through the roof and showered her with debris, Hamilton told Victoria News on Oct. 8...
Notícia OVGA 07-10-2021
Na sequência da erupção do vulcão de Cumbre Vieja, desde o passado dia 19 de setembro de 2021, têm sido emitidos gases e partículas para a atmosfera os quais são transportadas a longas distâncias. De acordo com os resultados das previsões do serviço de monitorização atmosférica do programa Copernicus (CAMS), algumas dessas partículas terão...
Notícia OVGA 01-10-2021
Volcanic eruption on La Palma is choking the air with toxic gases.
Mount Cumbre Vieja continues to erupt as seen from Los Llanos de Aridane on the Canary island of La Palma on Sept. 24, 2021. (Image credit: Andres Gutierrez/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
More than a week after its volcano erupted in a spectacular display of molten lava, islanders on La Palma are threatened by a new hazard — the toxic gases and particles...
Notícia OVGA 29-09-2021
Bright streaks of lava flow through populated parts of the Spanish island of La Palma on Sept. 26, 2021. (Image credit: NASA Earth Observatory images by Lauren Dauphin, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey)
New satellite images of an active volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma capture vivid streams of lava pouring down the coastal mountain range and nearing the Atlantic Ocean.
The eruption began on...